Day 29

Well, we are in the final days of our 31 day challenge. I am thankful for all who went on the journey, part or all of the way. It has been really good.

Proverbs 29:18 is an often misquoted, and miss preached verse. It says…

“Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law. “

Your version may say “Where there is no vision…”

This is not a verse about leadership, and vision. It is true that people do not accomplish anything without a vision, and we need to as leaders talk about vision. It is important. But this verse is about divine guidance not vision.

It can be translated. “Without divine guidance the people perish.” If there is no revelation from God, no divine guidance on how to live, Mankind falls into ruin.

We have read a lot of verses in the past 29 days. Wisdom has been imparted to us. Some of it we understood right away, some of it we didn’t. There were verses that challenged our souls, while others encouraged us to stay on the path we were already on.

It will be real easy, come Feburary to stop reading the Bible everyday. I want to challenge you to not quit. Next, read a chapter a day out of Luke for the month of Feburary. And keep God’s guidance at your fingertips at all times. Continue to read His words and let them guide you so “you will not perish”. If you do this you will be blessed, because that is what happens when we follow His ways.

What did you see from the passage today?

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