
Day 5 of the “14 Days of Thanks” – a countdown to Thanksgiving

thanksgiving leaves

“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving”(Colossians 2:6-7)

“abounding in thanksgiving”

We are just five days into this countdown  and to be honest, today it is hard to be thankful, much less abound in it.

I’m just not overflowing with thanks and gratitude at this moment.

But I should be

I have Thanksgiving Music that I have been listening to since November 1st.

I have been reading and meditating on scripture readings that are focused on giving thanks (beyond these post).

I have prayed thanking God for who He is and the blessings in my life.

But at this moment I’m just not feeling it…

It might be because I am tired

It might be because other things are on my mind

It might be because I am feeling sort of low today (but have no reason to feel that way)

But it could be that it is a sign that I have been taken captive “according to the elemental spirits of the world” (Colossians 2:8) and I am not captivated with Christ at this moment.

Christ who became flesh and dwelt among us

Christ who is God, who fills my being and is the ruler and authority over everything.

Christ who has made me alive through resurrection

Christ who cancelled the sin debt that stood against me

Christ who trumped over the rulers and powers of this world.

Maybe my lack of thankfulness is because Christ at this moment isn’t really captivating my mind, and a red flag has been raised  that is showing me I’m not walking in Christ and need to get back into that position with Him…

so my roots will be rooted

so He can build me up

so He can establish me in the faith

resulting in an overflow of thanksgivings

from a heart that is once again captivated by Him

(Colossians 2:6-15)