It’s the first one without you.

I can’t say I was looking forward to this weekend like I have in years past. You are gone and Father’s Day feels empty. Tonight would have been our traditional get together. We all would have gone to a restaurant of your choice… Chilis Stamey’s BBQ Buffalo Wild Wings. And I would have given you […]

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We didn’t have a choice really, it’s the way of things. From the point of conception our lives were wrapped in mortalness. Our bodies were not going to last forever.  Within their very design was a weakness that time and circumstances would eventually exploit. It seems that reminders of this fact are around us at every […]

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Left Behind… For Now

My cousin died last night around 9pm. She was really my cousin-in-law because she was married to my cousin… She was 59 Cancer is what “took” her.  Last year she had been pronounced as being free from it but early this year it came back and brought us to this moment. And once again for […]

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