It’s the first one without you.

I can’t say I was looking forward to this weekend like I have in years past. You are gone and Father’s Day feels empty.

Tonight would have been our traditional get together. We all would have gone to a restaurant of your choice…


Stamey’s BBQ

Buffalo Wild Wings.

And I would have given you the same gift I had given you for years, a gift card to Olive Garden so you and mom could have spaghetti and meat balls hopefully more than once…

but this year no money was spent…

no trip to Greensboro…

no Father’s Day hug…

but oh what I would give to be able to celebrate one more time.

I miss our weekly phone calls.

I miss your silence and your smile.

I miss your support, your guidance, the ability to call you any time.

Empty – Empty – Empty.

I was filling the humming bird feeder earlier today and looked at the shutters you made for my house. You were so good at that stuff, which made me think of Friday when I went to help mom with somethings at your house. I had to figure out how you got a 15 gallon gravitational gas “pump” 6 feet into the air and on to its stand so we could fill up your lawn mower so your grandson could mow the yard. I know you would have laughed at me trying to work the winch to get that tank where it needed to be. It was a moment I wished you were there, and if you had been there you would have said, “Phillip you’re making that a lot harder than it really is.” And of course you would have been right.

Where did the time go?

Where did the time go?

And now this weekend is empty… so empty…

I know – I KNOW – Yes I Know…

Heaven is full… Hallelujah for that!

but here on planet earth something is missing…

and that something is you.

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